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Riverview's Kiltie Band

Emma Baltzersen '24

Riverview High School has spectacular sports, music, and academics. While often overlooked, its music program is first rate. The Kilties are part of the amazing music programs, along with orchestra, choral groups, guitar, and piano.

The band plays during football half times, but also before and during the game. There are few home football games left, but they perform Friday October 29th at Venice High School.

Along with performing at football games, the band also holds concerts at the Riverview Performing Arts Center. Their fall concert is Thursday, November 16th. The musicians add three after school practice sessions to prepare for each concert, in addition to class time where they practice and perfect the songs.

Thursday, December 14th, brings the winter concert. Holiday spirit will be in the air as school will soon close for the long holiday break.

May 3rd, there is a percussion concert and on Thursday, May 5th the band’s final concert. This spring concert traditionally ends the year and allows students time to get ready for the next year.

The Kiltie Band awards night, where hard work and practice is rewarded, will be held Friday, April 6th. Students that have gone above and beyond get recognized for their effort.

The Kiltie Band is one of the spectacular programs that Riverview High School offers and never ceases to amaze all that come to watch and listen to them perform.


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