Even the coronavirus quarantine had some positive moments. Looking back, students see that as life
slowed down, some moments were treasured. Now, there’s a way to honor that.
When it comes to repulsive holidays, probably none beats out “Virus Appreciation Day,” always
celebrated on Oct. 3, according to holidayinsights.com. But, if you talk to some students around
Riverview, those days of quarantine were not always all that bad. In fact, some good came out of the
time spent in isolation with loved ones and a simpler, if not forced, lifestyle. We asked some of our
students if they had anything positive that came out of those days, and answers ranged from health and
fitness to fashion and fun, but they all proved that students were able to find ways to make good use of
the time spent in isolation.”
“For me personally, a better sense of accomplishment because I was able to fully take my time on my
assignments.” –Gillian Michael ‘22
“I had more time to figure out myself. I had time to adapt my view and self-expression.” –Hailey
Gattorna ‘22
“Not going to school and relaxing all day.” –Jack Tomalin ‘23
“I got to have more summer time.” –Naomi Crews ‘22
“I got to spend more time at home with my family.” –Jackson Milne ‘22
“One positive thing is that we get to spend more time with our families.”—Amanda Moodhe ‘22
“Yes, I have some good memories going out with friends and having a bunch of fun.” –Lucas Foxworthy
“I got to experience more art.” –Arthur Springer ‘23
“One positive thing that came out of quarantine is it gave me time to go fishing. One day when I was
fishing, I caught my first snook, which was 20 inches long.” Mazen Slait ‘23
“A good thing that came out of quarantine for me was that I got back into volleyball after playing it
when I was little. I’m still pretty new to it, but it is fun. Quarantine was also good to focus on being
healthier and setting goals for the upcoming school year.” – Nora Malave ‘23
I am a junior and one positive thing that has come out of COVID is the opportunities—working and doing
school online is very possibly going to be the future. Many online jobs have opened up since the start of
COVID, and I think that for awhile this is going to be our normal. COVID has sucked because everything
closed down, especially during the summer, but in a year from now, I think everyone will appreciate
going through this because it is preparing us for the future.”—Caiden Jennings ‘22
“I started working out every day. I feel and look a lot better!”—Carly Birnback ‘22
“A really great memory from quarantine was being able to hang out with my three closest friends for
weeks at times and getting to create great memories with them.” –Lindsay Mercier ‘23