Emily Lepow ‘23
This year, Riverview High School is implementing a new system to give its students rewards for their excellent behavior.
This new system is known as a positive referral. Starting last month, teachers choose one student per month from the following categories: Respect, Responsibility, Resiliency, and Readiness.
During February, the theme was Respect. Student Ellie Caflish ‘23, was nominated for respect by IB Spanish teacher Tom Dinatale.
Caflish said it felt good to get recognized for doing something right.
“I think it’s a good way to encourage students to take extra steps to do good things for themselves and the people around them,” Caflish said.
Every student that is nominated is given a certificate, along with gift cards to commemorate their good work.
At the end of all four months, every student nominated for one of the four “R’s”, will be entered into a raffle where many of the students will win prizes such as a trip to a “Cash Grab” or Airpods.
These positive referrals can also be given to a teacher from a student! Students can return the favor to nominate a teacher if they think the teacher deserves it.
This month of March, will focus on Responsibility, so be sure to take some extra step toward being responsible during the school day. You might just get a pleasant surprise!