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Lady Ram event crowns Bryn Nutter ‘21

Each year at Riverview High School, Junior Board hosts a fun and exciting activity for students, faculty and family to watch. This event is a friendly competition in which senior girls compete in three categories for the title of “Lady Ram.”

To start off the night, hosts Brielle Campbell ’22 and Georgia Flint ’22 introduced the girls in the theme wear category. Promenading the floor in their favorite outfits, all seven senior girls had a fantastic time letting the audience get to know them.

“It was so much fun to be with all of my friends. I made so many memories that I will never forget,” said Madison Manankil ’21.

The talent category was definitely an entertaining one to watch. All girls chose a talent or act and performed on stage. From incredible signing by Amelia Mauer, an amazing Pitch Perfect group dance by Madison Manankil, to a hilarious performance of the dating scene for high school girls by Bryn Nutter, all girls of the class of ’21 showed off their talents. Guests can’t forget Amanda Kennelly’s fan favorite “thank you note” bit. The piano playing really added a fun touch to her performance.

Also, in the talent category, Ava Stroth and Madison Binkley put on a great performance of them and their friends eating tacos while singing the song “Tequila.” Taking after her older sister, Ava brought out some llama props and gave some tacos to the crowd. Also, Hannah Lee did an incredible dance to show off her talent, which had the crowd pumped.

“My favorite category was definitely the talent category. It was truly an exquisite experience while watching the performances from the audience,” Peter Eberley ’21 said.

Formal wear was one of the last main categories where the girls brought out an escort or two and walked the stage. Wearing fancy dresses, the girls all looked amazing as they made their way across the stage.

The three finalists, Bryn Nutter, Amanda Kenelly, and Madison Manankil were each asked a final question to help determine the winner of Lady Ram. Bryn Nutter was crowned winner and received a crown and sash, in addition to a monetary prize and an honorary parking space for the remainder of the year. All girls did an amazing job at Lady Ram and had a great experience for their final year at Riverview High School.

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