As the COVID pandemic continues, students and families are forced to break annual fall
traditions and cherished occasions as they adjust to the new norm of 2020. The battle between
health safety and the need to unite with friends and loved ones during the adored holiday
season will remain a challenge as everyone navigates celebrating the season safety.
A favorite tradition for Riverview students in the fall season is typically the
Homecoming football game and dance. However, students will not be able to look forward to
those events this year and are left assuming the events are not taking place in the current
state. In past years, Homecoming was a much awaited occasion for all students to kick off the
school year and have some fun with friends. The Homecoming football game will be live-
streamed on Facebook, and students and community members will need to support their
school from home.
A child’s favorite fall holiday of Halloween may not be the same as in past years, and families
will need to adjust their traditions carefully. The city of Los Angeles has officially cancelled the
“door-to-door and car-to-car” Halloween trick-or-treat tradition, disappointing children
throughout the city. Our local families must consider the evening and what health risks may be
brought with gathering candy from so many households. According to FOX News, nearly 25% of
Americans plan to participate in Trick-or-Treating this year.
Other fall holidays that will look different this year are Thanksgiving and Black Friday, as social
gathering sizes are limited, and retail stores are adjusting. The annual adventure of heading out
after Thanksgiving dinner to shop the super deals will be broken this year for families. Major
retailer Target invites guests to “kick back, relax and enjoy a long nap after you finish that last
piece of Thanksgiving turkey,” ( since their stores will be closed on
Thanksgiving. Black Friday deals are said to start online and be available all holiday season.
Sara Gabriel ’23 is not about to let COVID ruin her special celebrations.
“This holiday season sure is going to be different from last year. I personally loved going shopping for
the big sales with my family but this year we can’t do that. However, I’m not going to let this pandemic
stop the normal memories I cherish each year with my family,” Gabriel said.
Overall, annual fall occasions in 2020 will still take place but in different ways. Student and families will
need to adjust and hope to get back to their normal traditions next year.