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How to prepare yourself for the new quarter

Abbie Martin ‘23


A new quarter has started, which gives everyone a chance for a fresh start. Think of it as a chance to get higher grades, make new goals and to be more organize. Riverview students already have finished a whole semester which means everyone is halfway there!

There are many ways a student can prepare himself or herself for the new quarter. For example, evaluate from the last quarter. Think of how much effort had to be put into the last quarter and what could be done differently. Students should ask themselves these questions: Did you study for tests? Did you do all your work? Did you put a lot of effort into last quarter? By thinking of these questions, students can think of what they can do differently and how they can achieve the new goals.

One of the most important ways to prepare is to make specific goals. Setting goals can help students measure their progress, help them overcome procrastination, organize their time, and help them maintain motivation.

Using communications skills is good way for students to strive for higher goals for new the quarter. Using this skill is a great way to succeed, so that way they will not run the risk of falling behind or becoming overwhelmed with schoolwork.

Grace Heed ’23 said she wants to keep pace with assignments.

“I prepare myself for the new quarter by making sure I have a planner to keep me organized with due dates, so I don’t procrastinate,” Heed said. This is a great way for her to keep herself on track with her schoolwork and lead her to success.

Overall, preparing oneself for the new quarter and setting goals will help each student strive for success now and into the future.

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